Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A little taste of home

I realize I live in the caribbean where 30 degree weather is considered the norm but this is a nice reminder of home :)... not to mention a great way for a sugar induced energy boost for the last portion of study time for the night!

Hot Chocolate & marshmellows :)


  1. i know what you mean....however "home" is in your heart...and we are always with you...doina /will be

  2. Hey! Great blog! I've been reading it for a while --I start at Saba in May :)
    I noticed this photo for some reason. It triggered some questions in my mind:

    *is the library big enough to accomodate each student with their own little study area? i.e. are there issues with overcrowding at all?
    *I heard the library is open until midnight, seven days a week --is that true?
    *do the majority of students study at the library or in their rooms/apartments like you?

    Sorry for all the questions! One or two word brief answers are totally ok :)

  3. @Rich: thanks :)
    the library is pretty big. it has 2 floors and a basement (aka the dungeon). I would say it gets pretty crowded during exam time. There are some study rooms which have white boards and bigger desks but those get occupied quite quickly. It's like any other library to be honest.. the sooner you get there the better chance you have at a seat. My classmates haven't had problems getting a cubicle.
    It is open from 8:30-11/12am I think. As for where to study it depends on the person. I've been in the library to study once this semester and decided I like the comfort of my own room.
    Let me know if you have any other questions!

  4. Hi IDL :)
    As a current applicant for Sept class at Saba, your blog has been extremely informative and helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to post :) I have a question about computers at Saba. I noticed from your picture that you use a Mac...are there any compatibility issues in terms of downloading lecture notes, presentations, special programs, etc? Also, are there IT services on Saba campus for Mac computers? I'm looking into getting another laptop for next semester and all my Mac-user friends are pushing me into getting a Mac :P I'd love to hear your opinion :)

    Best wishes in med school!

  5. Great Weblog!
    Is the light of dorm room enough for studying or should i bring a desk lamp?

  6. @ Pianogirl: I switched to a Mac just before coming here and it was the best idea ever! The battery life is amazing and lasts for all the lectures so you don't have to worry about getting a seat near the outlets. I haven't had any compatibility problems just get the microsoft office for mac and you should be fine. There is no specific IT support on the island but I'm sure someone in your class can help if anything comes up. There is also a Mac store on St. Marten if anything comes up and you need a quick replacement. Totally recommend a Mac.

    @ کامیار : I brought one but never used it. Probably more useful when you move out of the dorms. The built in desk lap was enough for me.
