Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just Keep Swimming. Be a Linchpin

The title of this blog may not make sense, but stick with me for a second.

In the little spare time that I have I've been reading a book by Seth Godin called Linchpin. I usually don't like to read "self-help" type books. I'd rather spend my free time reading classic literature that gives because it gives me an escape from reality. But this book has really helped me keep studying every day and being positive about it. The author talks about how to create art and be creative in a world where you have been taught to follow the crowd and listen to your teachers. Godin emphasizes to follow your own path and become indispensable to those around you. To do that I have to completely dedicate myself, keep my head up and focus.
"A genius looks at something that others are stuck on and gets the world unstuck". Godin touches on the same thing my professors mentioned. You don’t have to work hard, work smart. Being creative and looking at things from a different angle is what separates a genius from the everyday ‘worker’. Studying smart is the way to differentiate myself from everyone else in my class.

Saba has already opened up my eyes to the amount of desire I have to become a doctor - not that I didn't know it before; but I do admit that I have had my doubts about being able to pull through and do this.
We just finished our first round of exams (Block 1 out of 5) and the class size has dropped from 104 to 90 people!! Some have figured out that it's not for them, some have cracked under the stress, pressure and studying and some just miss their comfortable and 'safe' lives back home. Like I said before, this island and school is not for everyone.
Anyways my point is that I didn't do as well as I hoped for my Anatomy theory exam but, for some reason, my spirit is not crushed. I came out smiling because I realized I just took my first medical school exam! I am one step closer to finishing the first semester :). The marks are obviously very important but it just makes me study harder. I am not disheartened - like some who came out crying - I'm going to keep looking on the bright side! 

So as Dori was singing in ‘Finding Nemo’ just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

And become a Linchipin. J

On a side note…
After exams we all decided to take some time to recharge. We went for a gorgeous hike down one of the sides of the volcanic island which opens up to a rocky shore to the Caribbean sea. It was breathtaking. The views of this island are simply stunning and makes waking up and walking to class soooo much better! (for those of you who know me, know that I am NOT a morning person and so going to class for 8am everyday would not be anywhere near my choice of a great start to the day!) Here are some pictures to convince you that if you are a hiker/scuba diver Saba should be on your top place to visit!!

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