Sunday, February 19, 2012

Post block wave of joy

2nd round of exams are over! I was pretty happy overall ... really glad to see that my 16hr days of studying are paying off :) It really feels good to see some results (unlike third semester).

after exams a bunch of us went to spend the rest of the night at Well's Bay (the place where Saba actually gets a sandy beach when the tide is low... I have yet to see this miracle beach!). We had a BBQ, a couple of beers and a breathtaking view of the sunset with rolling waves. Pretty awesome way to spend the day after 3 exams.

if I went to a canadian medical school I would definitely not be able to see this... isolated islands have their perks, don't you think? 


  1. Canadian Med Schools have WAY more perks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ignore the comments from above those are the words of a hater, you made a good decision in pursuing medicine anyway possible. Keep looking forward!

  4. haha well thank you for both comments. I was obviously looking on the bright side of being on an island. In terms of placement of medical school I definitely prefer the warm climate :) but Canadian medical schools obviously have their "perks" ... like not becoming an international medical student.
    thanks for the support Izzy!
