Thursday, September 27, 2012


a little change in scenery on my new running route; at least the sunsets are still beautiful... although I don't know how I feel about running in the colder weather. I already miss not having to worry about what to wear when I go outside. The caribbean weather was always predictable: 30 degrees, sunny with scattered showers.

In other news my intense study schedule seems to be getting the best of me. It's been hard to be so focused all day, all the time - especially when I'm trying to fight off this cold that seems to be going around. Wish I could just take a day off to recuperate, read and not think/ feel guilty about not studying. Alright, I think I'm done venting, for now.  Ugh, back to work...

PS. Grey's Anatomy is back tonight. I'm a little excited even though I know thats not what real world 'doctor life' is like. At least I can make myself think that I am being somewhat productive since the show is about medicine; I'm sure I can learn something useful from it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Study spaces can make or break your flow of concentration and productivity... This is my new space :)

Another thought I wanted to blog about tonight sprung from another one of David Allen's post I read recently. (for those who are new to the blog and don't know who he is check THIS post).

Have you ever sat on a bus or were driving in the car when you randomly remember that you need to replace that one light bulb in the house? or that you really need to call up an old friend? This week David Allen brought up something he calls 'mindsweeping' - a way to de-bulk your mind of all short term memory tasks. 

so what is mindsweeping?
He describes it as making 'to do' lists of things you need to get done - those things you always say you are going to remember to do when you get home... but in all seriousness we ALL forget to replace that one light bulb. I tend to always forget those things that aren't of persisting importance and they don't really affect my immediate life. However, they 'bulk up' your mind of short term memory jargon that you could really do without. solution? Making lists according to a time line (not when to get them done but how long the action will take to do) it is supposed to clarify and organize your mind... that way you can stop reminding yourself of all the little 'to dos'. I've actually been doing this as part of my studying routine without knowing what it was termed; but I think David Allen was referring to do this in all aspects of life. Yes, you MAY end up with 20 post it notes on your wall, all categorized and colour coded. And, yes, you MAY look like a crazy person when people come and visit ... BUT I think you will feel organized and mentally "lighter". At least that is the goal.

I'm going to start this on the weekend; dare you to do so too - and then leave a comment to let me know if you found it helpful.

"rule your mind or it will rule you" - Horace

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A little studying pick me up :)

Great song on a thursday evening! From one friend's blog to another...

Can't take credit for it, but its awesome. Hope you enjoy it too

If you like this, check out my friend's blog for more - she's just amazing when it comes to finding new music... I may be a little bit biased :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Goodbye Saba, hello Step 1.

I haven't posted in a while. The last month has been a whirl wind. We studied like crazy for the final comprehensive exam, wrote it AND, most importantly, passed it!!!! I have officially graduated from the basic sciences program :)

Currently sitting in St. Maarten airport one last time awaiting my flight home. I have spent the last week on St. Maarten as a mini-vacation with my parents who came to visit Saba and attend my graduation. I am ready to go home... Even though I am typing this I don't think I have realized that I will not be returning to Saba. I have gotten so used to leaving the island, going home, and coming back. This time, there's no coming back. weird. Leaving Saba was bittersweet mostly because I will not be seeing some of my close friends for a while - being hopeful to  bump into them during the clinical rotations. The island is beautiful but it was time to move on.


Aaannd that was proof that I attempted to post like 3 weeks ago.
I now have finished my vacation, moved to Hamilton and began studying for the USMLE step 1 for the next 2 months.

the fun begins.

long days of hours of studying once again... just the library and weather has changed. Not sure I like the weather change but I sure like the library! we are even allowed to have coffee and non-smelly food at our desk - makes studying so much easier when you have caffeine and sugar by your side. Oh and of course some healthy snacks...kinda. By the way, did you know there is now caffeinated chocolate bars to help you stay awake? Best of both worlds.

My study schedule is a little bit insane. I realized today that I will need to tweak it and add some nights off because I am already tired. I will definitely burn out if I study 12+ hours a day.

for those of you interested how I am studying here is a quick breakdown of my day...
7am - run (the reason why I am excited to wake up; I found a nice trail in hamilton :) )
9am - arrive at library
10am - finish 46 set of Uworld questions
10-7 - Doctors in Training course or pathoma. Lunch is somewhere in here...
7-8 - go home, make dinner, eat
8 - review the material covered that day
10-12 - review answers to question set from that morning.

sleep. wake up. repeat.
I am hoping to write by early November so keep your fingers crossed it all works out! ( I would also love to hear from those readers who have taken the Step 1. Any advice? how did you study?)

apologies for falling off the face of blogworld. I am back and have promised myself to post weekly - or at least not at 2 month intervals.

PS. September is childhood cancer awareness month. Dr. David made a great quick post - see it here and make sure you watch the video!