Thursday, September 8, 2011


Sorry I have not been back on until now but as you may assume they have thrown us into the deep end once again! Great. Thanks Saba. I would've thought we've proven ourselves by third semester...

A lot of things have happened last week so here is a 'high yield' summary. (hehehe, can you tell I am back into study mode?)

So friday was that time of the semester; we got to meet the incoming class, attend their white coat ceremony and speak to our assigned mentee about life at Saba. I really love this tradition because it reminds you of what you are here for and that you are definitely not alone in taking the unbeaten path. Met some great 1st semesters and I would like to thank those of you who came up to me (or screamed "blog girl!") - really made my day :).
We also had our welcome back party that night and needless to say it was fantastic to see everyone out... I think pictures will give you a feel for the night better.

a local came up dressed like this,
no clue why but it was entertaining

Half-way through happiness

the usual gun show!
potential roomies next semester :)

LASTLY, the construction in front of my house seems to never end. Every morning I literally step out into a construction site full of dust clouds, newly poured concrete, metal bars, drilling and hammering. Awesome! *rolls eyes*. Really hoping this ends soon...

my house is what you see in the bottom left corner. Isn't it a great view?!
EDIT: still waiting on the Hawaiian Friday class picture - will post once I get it :)


  1. i miss med school. those were good times!

  2. Hey! I will be starting at Saba in January 2012. I was wondering if I can ask you some personal questions via email? Let me know - my email address is
