Monday, October 3, 2011


What a hectic day. 3 exams between 8am and 3pm. Fun!

Glad to say this block went much better all round than first. Not where I want to be but it will hopefully get there.... lesson learned? hard work pays off. Second lesson? my body doesn't respond as well to lack of sleep as it did in undergrad. I used to be able to pull all nighters (without the aid of caffeine or energy drinks - so bad for you) and now 4 hours of sleep did not suffice. Probably because undergrad is no where near the intensity and pressure of medical school.


As a side note, I've been trying to get a new page at the top of the blog going for posting ongoing hobbies, interesting topics and the like - pretty much anything outside the medical school world (when it comes into existence after each set of exams). However, I couldn't seem to figure out how to do multiple posts.. so if anyone knows please send directions my way :)

Till then, I wanted to share this with you... super cool for a sci-fi reading nerd like me (don't make fun!)

books to read...It's been added on to my bucket list (still in the making but I think I will post a temporary one soon just so I can start checking things off :) )
For those new sci-fi lovers out there I would also recommend anything by Aldous Huxley.


  1. So how do you like the idea of all the exams on 1 day? I was accepted to SABA for May '12 semester, but am waiting on ROSS and SGU. I like SABA but this issue seems like a lot for exams. Your thoughts?

    1. 3 exams in one day is tough, but you get used to it. It forces you to stay on top of the material for each class. It's totally doable but it just adds a little more stress in terms of never falling behind. I do have to say that it feels amazing to come out of the 3rd exam of the day and know that you are done for the night and you can do whatever you want... usually sleeping lol. I think SGU and ROSS have similar exam schedules but I'm not sure.

  2. Thanks for the information and blog. Looking forward to starting this May!
