Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Studying in Paradise

As another week is flying by I haven't had time to properly reflect or write much. I've spent my time memorizing the MILLIONS of muscles found in the upper and lower limbs. Who knew such a tiny hand could have soooo many muscles! (actually fascinating).

so, instead, I decided to post some pictures of my view from the dorm.
Tonight, and every night, the sky turns a pinkish blueish-grey haze atop of the rolling hills. A beautiful reminder that I am in paradise... (at least natural paradise )

so sit back and try to picture yourself here if you ever need a relaxing break during the day :)

The pictures don't do it justice. It's really quite mesmerizing.

This one is of my school campus. I realized I haven't posted one up yet.

Till tomorrow! (or thursday).


  1. It looks beautiful...even more now when we are under a storm watch in Toronto! So don't forget to look outside whenever you make a break from studying - it should renew your batteries. Doina

  2. ...the most beautiful procrastination, I have ever seen!
