Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've been keeping up with my runs and now I find myself wanting to go twice a day sometimes... probably because it's a break from studying. Anywhoo I've recently changed my soundtrack. I used to listen to high energy, fast beats, electro, latino music which would get me so energized after my run. But I realized that my body is not tired - all it does is sit on an extremely hard, wooden chair all day! So recently I came across an artist which I completely adore. Her voice and type of music is real, soothing and powerful. Adele; she is a UK artist with a passion for singing and poetry. Check her out here or on youtube!

the view from the road I run along... you now probably understand
why I go everyday

Each time I come back from my runs now I am relaxed and my mind is peaceful. I'm sure the gorgeous scenery and the sunset contribute to this but her music has made a difference in the way I run... its pretty incredible.


PS. I'm pretty sure I saw a whale today. I stopped at the top of the last hill to watch the sunset and there definitely was a big 'fish/whale' in the water. Couldn't tell without my glasses but apparently humpback whales migrate this way to give birth and raise their young.

1 comment:

  1. Ilinca I just downloaded her album, will let you know what I think.
